Hosting a Casino Morning

Following on from the success of a casino night we held at the home last year, the staff at Haling Park were keen to host another casino-themed day for residents.
Last Thursday, the coffee bar area was transformed into one of the infamous casinos on the Las Vegas strip. Residents and staff posed in front of the 'Welcome to Las Vegas' backdrop that we had displayed which prompted the perfect excuse for a photoshoot.

The residents indulged in a playful game of poker & roulette. Some residents had in the past dabbled in a game of poker, where for some it was their first time. Staff were on hand to teach residents a trick or two and before we knew it, residents were partaking in some friendly competition. Warm beverages and a variety of cakes were also served which the residents relished.

A great time was had by all, the staff, and residents were all in high spirits. We will be sure to continue with this event as it always goes down well with our residents.
For more information on the care services and facilities we provide at Haling Park Care Home, get in touch with one of our friendly team who will be delighted to assist with your queries.